the most unusual books of the world

In wiki format: update: there was a gross image on the top of that page for a while which is the way of wikis sometimes. Someone alerted me to it (and here via comments) and said I should remove my link. Instead, I went in and cleaned up the wiki which has better long-term and wide-reaching results. Sorry folks, especially if this was your first goatse (safe link, I swear it!).[slowreading]

ala official conference wiki, yes you heard me

In the credit where credit is due department. Meredith Farkas informs us that ALA is taking some ownership and offering some branding (and I’m not sure what else, clearly not server space) to the ALA Conference wiki which has become a regularly anticipated conference supplement, terrifically helpful to those of us who like informal recommendations about the area we’re visiting. I printed out many pages of restaurant suggestions when I was in San Antonio and they were really helpful. [thanks walt]