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Weeding inaccurate books in Los Angeles County


Why turn up the heat when you can add 3,000 laptop ports instead?

New scoop for you librarians in movies fans: Secret Life of Girls has a shooshing bun-haired old lady librarian in it.


How to increase your reference statistics: "Colour-coordinated, not colour-coded (like the books!)"


"Do you, a librarian, really know nothing about copyright?" one enraged specialist demanded in a letter... librarian pranks

from my alma mater comes librarian roulette.


Library of Congress retroactively spying on US Population! Or am I paranoid?

"Unbeknownst to the general public, library personnel are directed to be as obstructive, as humanly possible, to patrons, thereby discouraging them from returning to the library in the future." -- a silly story from Sphincter City


I have nothing cheeky to say about library ergonomics

Found another library manifesto

Are you geeky enough to want a DDC screen saver? OCLC thinks so.


Please take the new inflammatory poll

Pay Equity Case Study: librarians vs. geologists

Don't like your library funding getting cut? Start a new territory!


Tonight Show tonight, spurned 11 year old tells all about nasty SF librarians. Oops, web site spells his name wrong -- watch for lawsuit.
A simple search for sex in the library garnered the following:


"She is stuffed with erudtion as you'd stuff a leather cushion..." Who?

"Why You Should Attend Trade Shows", Publishers Marketing Association director talks about talking to librarians.

Librarians are poets too. Yes? No? Maybe?


Send a library postcard

Angela's Cyberlibrarian's Rest Stop has an amazingly concise and lovely page on keeping current with web based resources

If you like Dr. Seuss, you'll love Calvin and Hobbes. An experience with computer-driven reader's advisory.


Librarians are in all the big movies nowadays.

Librarian discounts at Half Price Books.

C U, C a librarian -- distance librarianing.


Do these shoes make you think of librarians?

Why is this called Emergency Librarian?


How to help the Contra Costa library fact sheet applicable to almost any library

Why Colin Powell is a bad choice from Library Journal.

Soon to be added to the naked librarians page


Update your links -- the weirdly named Mining Company is now the weirdly named Their library science section has always been pretty good.

Many people make book recommendations, but Oyate has a books to avoid section which includes critical reviews of books misrepresenting Native American culture.

Librarian rhymes with contrarian. More on the San Fran library, and I quote: "Don't set fire to the librarian -- another fine rule"


A new poll!

A week in the life of a solo librarian

Bhutanese librarians training in Canada.


Australia's saucy head librarian is retiring.

And in New Zealand they built a library instead of a sewer system.

WANTED: male librarians


"Information is meaningless until it is approached by a human intelligence" a good article on why librarians are important by Mary Laine, publisher of Ex Libris

Librarianish manifestos:

Can anyone tell me why the LC subject heading for librarians wasn't added until 1994?


San Francisco Public Library: We will be browbeaten into letting 11 year olds teach younger kids to read, but we're sure as hell not going to reinstate John Philbrook [librarian and also a tutor] no matter what you say!

BBC show 20th Century Vox records a librarian oral history [4 minutes, requires real audio]


Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book, my fave Shel Silverstein book of all time, was originally published in Playboy. Take that, Dr. Laura!

Australian librarians are having some serious trouble combatting the librarian as pornographer image as well.

The incredibly cool-sounding Lost Libraries Conference has a call for papers.

I have changed my mind. My memoirs will be called A Huckstress of Culture.

trivia: The Degree Confluence Project has little or nothing to do with libraries but it is a very amusing and seriously huge organizational undertaking.


A great librarian story with a great moral.

Other people do not want Colin Powell at ALA either...

Marketing peoples' tips on how to sell stuff to libraries:
  • Throw the word 'zine around a lot
  • Remember, librarians think everything is information even catalogs
  • Don't forget the magic word [which I always thought was please -- don't they know we librarians can use dictionaries really really well?]


Sex in the stacks? Yes or No! An old stereotype gets examined pseudoscientifically. In other words: Take my poll, please!

A good list of jobs you can get with an MLS. I must note, however that public reference librarian is the only broken link...

I have always wanted to drive a bookmobile [warning: many large images]


"Not every librarian would be willing to tramp around to trashy, rent-by-the-hour motels, but Jane Newell is not your average librarian. She's a woman on a mission."

Pornography and the ALA, what you can do. Scary rantings from Dr. Laura.

These librarians are magic: using the web for reference.


I got my issue of American Libraries in the mail today, so I am cruising the ALA website. According to the ALA calendar, it looks like I missed Space Day [sponsored by Lockheed-Martin] but I can still catch national Young Reader's Day [sponsored by Pizza Hut].

Why be a librarian when you can be a creator, disseminator, team member or digital technologist? Sometimes I think ALA makes all these things up.

My memoirs will be called: Acid-Faced Virgins Who Stamp Books or I Was the Pride of the Public Library ... Until I Discovered Smirnoff.

Interesting list of library facts. What happened to numbers 4, 6 and 10 et. al? Censorship!


Philadelphia's teacher of the year is a librarian

Any librarians want to go to Cuba? Heck, it's practically legal.

I'm just curious where they got the name Shave Librarian from.


Check's stats.

Sexy librarians in TV Guide. I don't know where to start pointing out the ironies here. is already in Yahoo! Thanks to Lynne, creator of the Librarian category.

Can't ... type ... now ... searching super-fast AllTheWeb


Punk? Librarian? Think about joining the librarypunx mailing list.

Does your library school suck or rule? Note: this survey is mainly based on reputation. I would like to see this list lined up with what degree their graduates get. When I graduated from UW not too long ago, I got a Masters in Librarianship. Is it any wonder we were ranked #18?


The full story on Sandy Berman's resignation/putsch. Thanks Rory.

Sing along with Railroad Jerk "Sweeeet librarian. What good books can you recommend?" [requires real audio]

Is librarianship as a profession a "conspiracy against the common folk?" Neil Postman might think so.

Apparently techology competencies for Oakland Public Library staff do not include designing web manuals with multiple pages. Otherwise, this is a good list.


Men's magazine P.O.V. has an article on "Hot Jobs, Not Jobs". Where do you think librarians wound up? [hint: keep scrolling...]

Nonsense: "I've just converted a librarian, so that he has a pair of lightning claws..."

Call for speakers at the Internet Librarian conference. Hurry, deadline is May 15th!

A pox on Melvil Dewey and his harassment of female librarians. Here's some women in the history of American librarianship.


Do you have technostress? Computers + Librarians = Performance Anxiety

When people ask me why I don't ever want to move to California, I tell them it's because the support for libraries there is deplorable.

That new movie The Mummy has a "spiky librarian" in it... "Fumbling to explain 'what a place like me is doing in a girl like this,' [disposable female lead Rachel] Weisz eventually offers the non sequitur, 'I am a librarian!' After a good "standard" reading, [director Stephen] Sommers, with rarely more than a 'Let's go again--play with it,' watches as Weisz stresses the "I" or the "librarian" (with varying intensity), and pauses before "am" or "librarian" (at varying lengths)."

Other librarians in movies.


What our library really needs is a ghost.

Internet reference success stories. See, the Internet ain't all bad!

"putting the rarin' back in librarian since 1993"