- 5.31.99
- Weeding inaccurate
books in Los Angeles County
- 5.30.99
- Why turn up the heat when you can add 3,000 laptop ports
- New scoop for you librarians
in movies fans: Secret
Life of Girls has a shooshing bun-haired old
lady librarian in it.
- 5.29.99
- How to increase your reference statistics: "Colour-coordinated,
colour-coded (like the books!)"
- 5.28.99
- "Do you, a librarian, really know nothing about
copyright?" one enraged specialist
demanded in a letter... librarian
- from my alma mater comes librarian
- 5.27.99
- Library of Congress retroactively spying on US Population! Or am I
- "Unbeknownst to the general public, library
personnel are directed to be as obstructive, as humanly possible, to patrons,
thereby discouraging them from returning to the library
in the future." -- a silly story from Sphincter City
- 5.26.99
- I have nothing cheeky to say about library ergonomics
- Found another library
- Are you geeky enough to want a DDC screen saver?
OCLC thinks so.
- 5.25.99
- Please take the new inflammatory poll
- Pay Equity Case Study: librarians vs.
- Don't like your
funding getting cut? Start a new territory!
- 5.24.99
- Tonight Show tonight,
spurned 11 year old tells all about nasty SF librarians. Oops, web site
spells his name wrong -- watch for lawsuit.
- A simple search for sex in the library garnered the
- 5.23.99
- "She is stuffed with erudtion as you'd stuff a leather cushion..."
- "Why You Should
Attend Trade Shows", Publishers Marketing
director talks about talking to librarians.
- Librarians are poets
too. Yes? No? Maybe?
- 5.22.99
- Send a library
Angela's Cyberlibrarian's
Rest Stop has an amazingly concise and lovely page on
current with web based resources
- If you like Dr. Seuss, you'll love Calvin and Hobbes. An experience with
computer-driven reader's advisory.
- 5.21.99
- Librarians
are in all the big movies nowadays.
- Librarian discounts at Half Price Books.
- C U, C a
librarian -- distance librarianing.
- 5.20.99
- Do these shoes make
you think of librarians?
- Why is this called Emergency
- 5.19.99
- How
to help the Contra Costa library fact sheet applicable to almost any
- Why
Colin Powell is a bad choice from Library Journal.
- Soon
to be added to the naked librarians page
- 5.18.99
- Update your links -- the weirdly named Mining
Company is now the weirdly named
about.com. Their library
science section has always been pretty good.
- Many people make book recommendations, but Oyate has a books to
avoid section which includes critical reviews of books
misrepresenting Native American culture.
- Librarian rhymes with contrarian.
More on the San Fran library, and I quote: "Don't set fire to the librarian
-- another fine rule"
- 5.17.99
- A new poll!
- A week in the life of a
solo librarian
- Bhutanese
librarians training in Canada.
- 5.16.99
- Australia's saucy head librarian
is retiring.
- And in New Zealand they built
a library instead of a sewer system.
- WANTED: male
- 5.15.99
- "Information is
meaningless until it is approached by
a human intelligence" a good article on why librarians are important by
Mary Laine, publisher of Ex
- Librarianish manifestos:
- Can anyone tell me why the LC
subject heading for librarians wasn't
added until 1994?
- 5.14.99
- San Francisco Public Library: We will be browbeaten into letting 11
year olds teach younger kids to read, but we're sure as hell not going
to reinstate
John Philbrook [librarian and also a tutor] no matter what you say!
BBC show 20th
Century Vox records a librarian
oral history [4 minutes, requires real audio]
- 5.13.99
- Uncle
Shelby's ABZ Book, my fave Shel Silverstein book of all time, was
originally published in Playboy. Take that, Dr. Laura!
- Australian librarians are having some serious trouble combatting the
librarian as
pornographer image as well.
- The incredibly cool-sounding Lost Libraries
Conference has a call for papers.
- I have changed my mind. My memoirs will be called A
Huckstress of Culture.
- trivia: The
Degree Confluence Project has
or nothing to do with libraries but it is a very amusing and seriously huge
organizational undertaking.
- 5.12.99
- A great
librarian story with a great moral.
- Other people do not
want Colin Powell at ALA either...
- Marketing peoples' tips on how to sell stuff to libraries:
- Throw the word 'zine around a lot
- Remember, librarians think everything is information even catalogs
- Don't forget the magic
word [which I always thought was please -- don't they know we
librarians can use dictionaries really really well?]
- 5.11.99
- Sex in the stacks? Yes or No! An old stereotype
gets examined pseudoscientifically. In other words: Take my poll, please!
- A good list of jobs
you can get with an MLS. I must note, however that public reference
librarian is the only broken link...
- I have always wanted to drive a
bookmobile [warning: many large images]
- 5.10.99
- "Not every librarian would be willing to tramp around to trashy,
rent-by-the-hour motels, but Jane Newell is not your
average librarian. She's a woman
on a mission."
- Pornography and the ALA, what
you can do. Scary rantings from Dr. Laura.
- These
librarians are magic: using the web for reference.
- 5.09.99
- I got my issue of American
Libraries in the mail today, so I am cruising
the ALA website. According to the ALA
calendar, it looks like I missed Space
Day [sponsored by Lockheed-Martin] but I can still catch national Young
Reader's Day [sponsored by Pizza Hut].
- Why be a librarian when you can be a creator,
disseminator, team member
or digital technologist? Sometimes I think ALA makes all these things
- My memoirs will be called: Acid-Faced
Virgins Who
Stamp Books or I Was the Pride of the Public Library ... Until I
Discovered Smirnoff.
Interesting list of library
facts. What happened to numbers 4, 6 and 10 et. al? Censorship!
- 5.08.99
- Philadelphia's teacher of the year is a
- Any librarians want to go
to Cuba? Heck, it's practically legal.
- I'm just curious where they got the name Shave Librarian from.
- 5.07.99
- Check librarian.net's
- Sexy
librarians in TV Guide. I don't know where to start pointing out the
ironies here.
- Librarian.net is already
in Yahoo!
Thanks to Lynne, creator of the Librarian category.
- Can't ... type ... now ... searching super-fast AllTheWeb
- 5.06.99
- Punk? Librarian? Think about joining the librarypunx mailing
Does your library school suck or
rule? Note: this survey is mainly based on reputation.
I would like to see this list lined up with what degree their graduates
get. When I graduated from UW
not too long ago, I got a Masters in
Librarianship. Is it any wonder we were ranked #18?
- 5.05.99
- The full
story on Sandy Berman's resignation/putsch. Thanks Rory.
- Sing
along with Railroad
Jerk "Sweeeet librarian. What good books can
you recommend?" [requires real audio]
Is librarianship as a profession a "conspiracy
against the common folk?" Neil Postman might think so.
- Apparently techology competencies
for Oakland Public Library staff do not include designing web manuals
with multiple pages. Otherwise, this is a good list.
- 5.04.99
- Men's magazine P.O.V. has an article
on "Hot Jobs, Not Jobs". Where do
you think librarians
wound up? [hint: keep scrolling...]
- Nonsense: "I've
just converted a librarian, so that he has a pair of lightning
- Call for speakers
at the Internet Librarian
conference. Hurry, deadline is May 15th!
- A pox on Melvil Dewey and his harassment of
female librarians. Here's
some women in the history
of American librarianship.
- 5.03.99
- Do you have technostress?
Computers + Librarians = Performance Anxiety
- When people ask me why I don't ever want to move to California, I tell
them it's because the support
for libraries there is deplorable.
- That new movie The Mummy has a "spiky
librarian" in it... "Fumbling
explain 'what a place like me is doing in a girl like this,'
[disposable female lead Rachel] Weisz eventually offers the non
sequitur, 'I am a librarian!' After a good "standard" reading,
[director Stephen] Sommers,
with rarely more than a 'Let's go again--play with it,'
watches as Weisz stresses the "I" or the "librarian" (with varying
intensity), and pauses before "am" or "librarian" (at
varying lengths)."
- Other
librarians in movies.
- 5.02.99
- What our library really needs is a ghost.
- Internet
reference success stories. See, the Internet ain't all bad!