- 9.27.99
- At Least They're Reading: literacy experts square off with educators
about whether rewards
for reading do any good
- How can you not love bookmobiles?
- San Antonio says it could care less that Filtering
Facts claims they're dangerous. When questioned about the
west-coast-heavy list, compiler and pseudo-scientist David Burt said "I
think there are bad ones in the East and Midwest, I just
haven't gotten to them yet"
- 9.23.99
- You know, I would buy an ebook
in a hot minute if I could get it
loaded with reference texts and keyword indexed. Wouldn't you?
- Good news! Information for Social Change now has full text articles
- More good news. I am back from my trip, or back on the East Coast. I
didn't go to any more libraries, though I tried to go to a few. More
library visit updates in a few weeks when I start visiting the Teeny
Libraries of Vermont.
- Just in case you missed it, here's the
10 Most Unsafe Public Libraries for Children as reported by Dr. Laura
and the filteringfacts folks. For the record, I have been to seven of
these, three in the last two weeks. I could barely even get on the
internet in Chicago, much less look at porno. Remind me to tell you the
story of surfing for porn on the web with a trustee from Seattle Public
Library sometime...
- 9.21.99
- More libraries visited by the info junkie:
- 9.15.99
- Libraries this ramblin'
librarian has been to in the past week:
- My next stops are St Louis, Ft Mitchell, KY, Athens OH, and off to the
east coast. Any libraries I shouldn't miss?
- 9.14.99
- viewer email: Organizing
Computer Resources:
Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the DDC
- Of course, there are librarians behind Weird Wisconsin
- 9.9.99
Here's some stuff to dig your teeth into while I'm gone:
- 9.8.99
- What is it about people wanting to take their clothes off in the
- 9.5.99
- I am 31 years old today. Librarian.net will be going into
mode for a few weeks as I drive across the country to VT where I will be
spending the rest of 1999 [with Internet access, never fear...]
- Anyone who lives on or near I90/I94 in MT or ND can have the pleasure of
company next week...
- 9.4.99
- Janet the tattooed
- 9.3.99
- Hennen's American Public Library
Rating Index online now!
- Did you know that Dorthea Lange also took pictures of Japanese
camps? Here's a few pictures of one
of their libraries.
- A page in the life of the Lipstick
Librarian... ""if Madonna can get a Dixie-cup pattern tattooed all
over her hands and be called a serious
artist, I can certainly do librarian. And you know there's nothing in
the world that screams 'serious' better than a
- 9.2.99
- ResearchBuzz
has a really nice page on how to find a human on
the internet to ask your
complicated reference questions.
- Phil Agre is a
scientist super genius who speaks real people language. He has written two
very good articles on helping people:
art of getting help and How to help
someone use a computer
- Reference librarian, ironwoman.
[NYTimes reg. required]
- 9.1.99
- Maybe you can be the next crazy person
words to
- Card
catalog art