Rachel started with a good list and people added more in the comments. Are you planning a conference, workshop or program? Here are some tips to help you with the difficult job of speaker-wrangling. Has anyone made a list of tips for speakers yet? I’m on my way to North Dakota today to give a few talks at the North Dakota Library Association annual conference in Fargo. Please stop me and say hello if you see me.
Tag: me!
portrait of the librarian at a young age
I’m loud, foul-mouthed and frumpy
…and quoted in Pages Magazine saying so this month, in case you happen to see a copy. If not, I’ve got a photo of the spread.
hi – 29aug
Hi. Thanks for bearing with me during my protracted WordPress upgrade. What’s that you say? You hardly noticed? That must because a) the WP upgrade process is pretty darned easy if you can read a recipe and b) I am becoming a l337 WP h@XX0r. Not like I can build my own plugins, but I can noodle my way around all the WP files and CSS with ease. For reference, the latest WordPress version is 2.0.4. Check to make sure you’re using it, and upgrade all your plugins while you’re at it. You can take a look at my wordpress mods page to see what plugins I’m using. Feel free to let me know if anything’s not quite working right, I tried to put it all back together correctly.
PALS talks in Illinois
I just got finished doing my two training/talks for PALS in Shorewood Illinois. It was the first talk I’ve done which was videoconferenced or streamed someplace else. It was very odd trying to remember to look into the camera at least somewhat [there was a live audience too, if that’s the right word for it] and not walk to far afield. Both talks went well and both were ALL NEW. It’s been a while since I gave a talk that I made up totally from scratch and this month I’ve given three of them, very exciting. Here are the direct links, thanks to everyone who turned out and made me feel welcome.
- On The Fly Tech Support, or “Hey, this isn’t my job!”
- Search – It’s Not All Google or is it?
Even moreso than my last talks, you’ll need to scoot to the end and click the “printable” link to see my notes for the talk. I’m trying very hard to not just read off the screen if I can help it.