Library Journal has put the list of Movers and Shakers online. Well, they have a list of their cutesy taglines, you have to click through to get the names. The page where they list all the Movers & Shakers by state has the names of every Mover and Shaker, though they’re not hyperlinked. Maybe we need to wikify this? I have included the list here. Can you guess any of the names? Life is too short, I copied the names over as well. update: Librarian by Day has gone a step further and linked to their blogs too, if available. Congrats to all of you.
- Grace Under Pressure (Maria Redburn)
- The Man Who Said No to Dewey (Marshall Shore)
- In Context (Hilary Davis)
- Films ‘R’ Us (Jim Cheng)
- Giving Back (Darci Hanning)
- Thrill Seeker (Allyson Mower)
- User-Centered Technologist (David Lee King)
- Deep Impact (Christopher Harris)
- Expanding OPACs (Steven Bowers)
- Multitalented (Evette Atkin)
- Pathfinder (Elisabeth Jacobsen Marrapodi)
- Collaborative Experimentation (Char Booth)
- Geek Librarian (Michelle Boulé)
- Metadata Man (Tim Spalding)
- Never Satisfied (Caleb Tucker-Raymond)
- Dynamo (Nancy Teger)
- Reader’s Best Friend (Jessica Moyer)
- Push Technology (Marcia Mardis)
- Direct Effects (David Rothman)
- Restoring History (Mark Greek)
- The Translator (Lisa Sweeney)
- Show Me the Evidence (Mark Vrabel)
- Anger into Fuel (Mario Ascencio)
- Global Thinker (Robin Kear)
- Life Work (Annabelle V. Núñez)
- On the Line (Alex Youngberg)
- Open Source Evangelist (Josh Ferraro)
- Leveling the Field (Jennifer Nelson)
- On a Mission (Daniel Cornwall)
- Passion for Diversity (Padma Polepeddi)
- Rural Improvement (Amanda McKeraghan)
- Community Ambassador (Mary Ellen Stasek)
- On the Same Page (Jennifer Schember)
- Do Something! (Amy Buckland)
- Data Tracker (Kim Ricker)
- A Blended Passion (Alexia Hudson)
- Razzle Dazzler (Tony Tallent)
- Creating Customers (Penny Sympson)
- Action Figure (Stephanie Squicciarini)
- Not Clowning Around (Devona Carpenter )
- Better Than Cool (Karen Brooks-Reese )
- Working the Crossroads (Alison Cody)
- Storyteller (LucÃa González )
- Spark Plug (Jamie Watson)
- Transformer (Peter Bromberg)
- Team Effort (Sarah Erwin & Candice Gwin)
- Paying It Forward (Sol Gómez)
- On Time, on Budget ( Kim Fuller)
- Cowgirl (Lisa Wells)