
Snake still loose in library!

“Anyone who thinks working at a library is dull is sadly mistaken,” said librarian Jackie Rafferty. “They’re really in no danger in the library. It’s really a pet snake.”

Pythons kill their prey by squeezing it and do not pose a threat to humans. But circulation and visits to the library have been down since Fithi’s escape.

[thanks mom!]

want to be a well-paid librarian in Vermont?

This is the job my old boss used to have. The library is amazing and 50K will go a long way in ruralish Vermont. I made their website. If you’re at all Vermont-curious, think about applying; I’ll be happy to tell you what I know about the area and I’ve already done a community analysis of the population.

Come Together @ Your Library, just don’t get caught on tape

It’s the joke that writes itself. Here, juxtaposed for your enjoyment, are the Carl Monday blog post about the masturbator in the public library, the one that he caught on videotape and humiliated in the name of investigative journalism. Also, here is the press release about the National Library Week theme: Come Together @ Your Library. I have a poster suggestion here and a racier one here and my final contribution here.