The Access 2006 Library Conference and Hackfest is October 11th and they are accepting submisions. Submit a great hack that would take a day to code and have something to do with libraries… wait until October 12… see the results. What could go wrong? [thank sj]
Tag: libraries
link dump – libraries in the news
A few stories that I didn’t want to do fill write-ups for, collected using the Fargo ND airport’s free wifi.
- Wanted: detainee librarian, Guantanamo Bay
- “It’s All Acting” T Scott Plutchak discusses being a shy librarian, and why he’s so good in front of crowds as a result.
- “the cultural heritage, the intellectual heritage, of humans … too important to be left to one company” – Google, Privacy and Libraries in the Wall Street Journal
- The SF Maritime Museum is making their library appointment only, starting next week. Why? Budget cuts.
- Delta librarian retires, from a town where 41% of the 40,000 residents can’t read.
how it should work: book donations @ your library
From Daniel Cornwall, via LISNews comes a good example of how a public library can be friendly and firm about accepting book donations. Here’s the example from the blog of the Seldovia Public Library.
Recently, a very large donation was left outside the library, without notice, for days in boxes too large for our volunteers to lift once they did discover them. In that time, the books became weather-damaged as well as suffering from the territorial marking practices of local dogs. Would you want to read these books or have your children read them? What a sad waste, and one that could have been prevented with a phone call.
Providence Public Library, updates and activism
Sadly, the Providence Library Defense website is no longer going strong. However, there are two new websites that have been launched concerned with the layoffs and branch closings that have been happening in the beleaguered Providence Public Library system. The Library Reform Group and Not About the Buildings [read more here, here and here].
some 2.0 for the academic libraries
I met Michael Habib when I was down at UNC Chapel Hill last year and I think now we’re associated via various social networks. I caught his blog post Academic Library 2.0 Concept Models and I think you’ll like it if you’ve been wondering where social software fits in an academic library environment. Hot Venn Diagrams! Available for hire 2.0 librarian!