I sort of have a “How can I miss you if you won’t go away” feeling about ALA most years. I went when I was a councilor. I went when it was near me. I went when I was speaking at it. This time, none of these things were true and I was still a little exhausted from ALA Anaheim last year where my credit card number was skimmed and I had to drive an hour to get a decent restaurant. This year ALA is sounding fun, from the reports. ALA is always a better time when it’s in Chicago. More of the staffers can go and more people are used to the location and can get decent hotel rooms and the weather isn’t horrible. At least that’s been my experience. My work travel this month is going to consist of a trip to New Orleans next week [another popular ALA summer venue] for MetaFilter’s Tenth Anniversary where I will be paid to drink beer and eat alligator and wear a catchy t-shirt. Here are a few links I’ve been seeing about what I feel I’ve been missing at ALA.
- Library Conference Secret Twitter Proves Librarians Sexy, Stern
- Zines! Takes me back to my early days printing out Cognots at ALA in DC.
- Watching the ALA2009 hashtag in real-ish time.
- Meredith got an award!
- ALA 2009 photo and tweet tracker (props to heather)
- Library Journal’s up to the minute news tracker including their amusing top-of-the-tweets report
It’s just like being there, only I’m still in my pajamas, and I slept til 11.