Please take a few minutes and take this survey by library science doctoral student John Upchurch.
Month: April 2006
survey: libraries and change
Michael Casey is asking people to fill out a brief survey about libraries and change. Tell him what you think! [LiB]
linkdump 05apr
Here are the websites that have been gracing my sidebar for the past few months, for those of you reading the site via your RSS reader. You can see all the posts containing these lists by exploring the linkdump tag I’m in the middle of trying to convert my personal site from hand-coded HTML to some sort of hybrid Blogger solution, please wish me luck.
dear recent and upcoming library grads
Happy National Library Week! You’ll be happy to know that the librarian shortage has been pushed back another few years. You’ll be even happier to know that advances in health care combined with the rising costs of health care mean that librarians are living longer and keeping their jobs longer. While there are plenty of creative ways you can give your work away for free or for cheap, you might want to look at this as an opportunity to go back to school or maybe find a new hobby while you wait.
Seriously, this is not an April Fools post, though I wish it were. I just wanted to let you know that Michael McGrorty posted a message to the ALA Council list talking about the librarian job market and the odd juxtaposition of the Library Corps idea. I followed up with my own response which you might find interesting. Catch up on the whole thread here and hope people don’t get too turned off to the entire idea of librarianship with the post that followed mine.
In the meantime, if you need a bright spot among all this darkness, please enjoy the Rock n Roll Library video created especially for this week. Got anything else to share for NLW? Add it in the comments.
National Library Week and National Library Workers’ Day
This week is National Library Week. Tuesday is National Library Worker’s Day thanks to a Council resolution proposed by my pal Jenna Freedman of RadRef fame. Apparently the national Library Workers’ Day buttons are sold out but from what I can see they were that weird red, white and blue clunky design anyhow.
More from me on this weeklong library celebration this week, today I’m tired from helping install library printers, teaching email to great-grandmothers [there are two in my email class!], helping senior citizens buy laptops, and reassuring a librarian that she wasn’t breaking the law by making a replacement casette tape for one of a four-tape set that had broken.