It’s time to transition to the blogs off of my blogroll in order to make room for some new stuff I’ve been reading. Those of you who read this blog online at its URL, you’ll see the new list go up. Everyone else, you can wait a few months until this post comes around again, or check back episodes by looking for the linkdump tag.
Month: February 2006
the mystery of the wire loop – can you help?
Help a librarian solve a mystery. Why do these London-published books have a wire loop embedded in their binding? [dust]
USA PATRIOT Act compromise – some librarian-centered information
A few posts made it to the Council list today about the USA PATRIOT Act compromises that are being hammererd out in Congress. First, this post that comes from ALA’s Washington Office details the state of the version of the bill that is currently being discussed for reauthorization. ALA opposes this version of the legislation.
Karen Schneider posts more links that include summaries from other sources such as the Washington Post and the ACLU.
Gary Price has a new job
Gary Price has a new job as the Director of Online Information Resources for Ask Jeeves. Part of his new job is going to include outreach to librarians and educators. Hot damn. [stuff]
to be literate is to possess the cow of plenty
How I wish there was a Creative Commons license on this book cover image of The Five Laws of Library Science posted to Flickr by the Tutt Library.