sold out @ your library, Lessig & Tweedy, Who Owns Culture?

Our very own Fiona from Blisspix got one of the sold out tickets to the NYPL Who Owns Culture shindig. Here’s what the NYTimes had to say about the event. Note the very very high profile of the library in all of this.

“What does it say about our democracy when ordinary behavior is deemed criminal?” he asked. Mr. Lessig and the moderator, Steven Johnson, a contributing editor at Wired, made much of the fact that the discussion was taking place in a library, where much of the Western cultural canon is available free.

hi – 10apr

Hi. Happy National Library Week. Check out some free stuff. I’m going to be speaking at Marlboro College tomorrow, check out what they’re saying on their home page. From there it’s down to the New Jersey Library Association Conference and then back up to visit my friend Sharyn before heading to the Edible Books Festival in Albany with my Mom next weekend. My last day at work was yesterday and went pretty well. I took a few vacation hours and left early to catch some sun and a matinee of Sin City [great, but very violent]. I’ll continue volunteering at the library once a month doing book delivery, but they’re on their own for outreach and lunchtime reference. My tech instruction job starts May 1st give or take, I’ll write more about it when I have a signed contract in-hand.