Romance novel cover art really does seem to write its own jokes sometimes. [lj:libraries]
Month: February 2005
more on Gorman
Can you remember the last time anything a librarian wrote was in the Daypop Top 40? I think I’ll leave Rochelle’s words on the subject as the last thing I’m also thinking about all of this.
“blog people” respond
I’ve read a few really good responses to Michael Gorman’s blog people article that are worth sharing. Michael Stephens, Kevin Smith, Jason Griffey and Steven Cohen have written lengthy responses on their blogs. I hear all the hot action is going on on Web4Lib where Blake from LISNews chimes in with some perspective, as does Roy Tennant. This reposting from a Slashdot discussion made me laugh, as did this one.
blog people say “ugh” to Michael Gorman
I read about this at about the same time I saw it in my RSS reader. Incoming ALA President Michael Gorman wrote an LJ opinion piece coming down hard on blogs and bloggers, quite possibly in response to some hassling he’s been getting from some of of the conservative bloggers. I read about it on the Council list, and then Anna’s blog, and then Karen’s. There were some heated responses on the list, and Gorman’s response that he was being satirical doesn’t really ring true to me. I supported Gorman’s ALA presidency last year and have always considered him an political ally and something of a comrade. Seeing him lash out — whether in jest or for real — in a way that makes him sound like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about disturbs and concerns me. Though the concern is more in a “will ALA ever get a clue?” way than in any “what will the fallout from this be?” way. Ugh, just ugh.
hug me tight, librarian
I don’t speak Portugese, but I can make out the hug me tight part of this librarian sculpture. [thanks david]