ala, day second to last

Good morning. Most of the ALA blogs have wrapped up but we’ve still got a few more Council meetings to go to and I’m not out of here until tomorrow. Back to work at the library on Thursday. Notable this morning is that ALA is launching a recruitment site to help bring more potential librarians into the field. I’m sure you know my position on this.

Posted in ala

in boston

Hey there — I’m in ALA and the escalators are off. We make jokes that it’s because it’s Sunday but really there was a power failure and they have to get a [union] electrician in to get the escalators going on a Sunday. Some fun. Good news is the wifi is strong and functional and useful. Come see me today at the skillshare at 1:30 in the exhibit hall. I’ve heard rumors that the nascent Intellectual Property task force of SRRT may be planning a program on Google [scholar/library/answers/&c.] for Annual in Chicago which I think would be excellent.

Posted in ala