What is missing from a lot of library weblogs? Fun graphics! Thanks, Aaron for making a whole new graphic out of my old tired Encyclopedia Britannica.
Month: January 2005
low end powerpoint – streetref notes
Inspired by Michael’s white board shot, I have the notes from my street reference talk — which got at least one positive review — on-line. How are you at communicating your message without your gadgetry?
why mandating filters doesn’t work
Welcome to the club of the misfiltered, Oregon Libraries! According to Sethf, the Oregon Libraries Network web site is classified by N2H2 as “pornography” and hence is unviewable by 40% of schools in the US, according to their statistics. You can check to see if your own site is filtered. More over at LISNews. Here are the result from a few of my pages:
jessamyn.com – “Web Page Hosting/Free Pages” [incorrectly]
jessamyn.com/journal – “Message/Bulletin Boards” [note: this could apply to any blog]
tattooed librarians
Way back when, before librarian.net and before Gail Kwak’s excellent site, I was going to do a web site of tattooed librarians. Seems like the topic is coming up again, this time on WebJunction
submit to the bookmobile!
Submission deadline for the Mobilivre Bookmobile project is coming up. [thanks jill]