I figure anyone who wanted to bookmark Library Dust has done so already but I feel the need to draw your attention to Michael’s holiday selections which, while not always in good taste, are pretty amusing to me
Month: October 2004
Neal Stephenson on slashdot
Crosspost of something I put on the info-commons web site: Neal Stephenson “interviewed” by Slashdot where he touches on some book and publishing issues near and dear to many librarians.
who holds the copyright to the universe?
Who holds the copyright to the Universe? Back cover image of the inaugural issue of the Public Library of Science’s second magazine PLoS Medicine. [mathowie]
meet the anarchist librarians
My friend Chuck0, perhaps the best known anarchist librarian has posted the notes from a post-ALA talk he gave in June: Meet the Anarchist Librarians. Chuck is a very good writer and he’s thought about these topics a lot. Even if you’re not into the whole radical politics thing, I think you’ll enjoy his article.
for an example of self-censorship, see….
What does he mean by self-censorship? Check out this ISP example from Copyfight