Another Food for Fines program from last year at the Metropolitan Library System in Oklahoma County. [thanks emily]
Month: October 2004
e-rate hold up dragging into monthlong mess
A few bad apples may be spoiling the E-Rate program that provides Internet and phone service to a large amount of the country’s schools and libraries. There are tighter spending rules, a lower mandatory contribution from the telcos [thanks FCC!] and possible delays on cash outlays extending into 2006. Now might be a good time to contact your elected official and make sure they are aware of this issue and actively working to resolve it. If E-rate money isn’t forthcoming, what does that mean for CIPA? [thanks rebecca]
hi – 01oct
Hi. I’m off for a long weekend. If anyone is interested in checking out the Fall Tour of Libraries next weekend, seeing Bernie Sanders grousing about the USA PATRIOT Act in the evening, and hanging out with me and bookmarklet co-conspirator Andrea, drop me a line.
Library Juice, juiced
If you like Library Juice, Rory has put together a “Selections from Library Juice” page which is a best-of sort of thing. If you don’t know Library Juice, this is a good place to start getting acquainted with it.
food for fines in the UK
Another library’s take on the food for fines idea. [thanks ann]