I have added some new pornography [pictures and links] to the naked librarian page. Nothing like Wired telling the world you have soft-core porn on your site to boost your traffic.
Month: September 2004
catalogablog, good reading for good people
I fear that if you don’t catalog, you might miss out on some of the great information coursing through Catalogablog. Here are two great posts from Catalogablog, one recent, one not as recent.
“If anyone wishes to contact me by e-mail here are some things to avoid” [a lot of this goes for me too]
A number of wonderful things happening in and around ISBNs lately.
don’t like search enginge, wriite your own…
What’s really involved if you, say, wanted to write your own search engine? [unalog]
The Trouble With Online – is it us?
Roy Tennant’s article for Library Journal about the pitfalls of trying to use an OPAC to find articles online is now itself online. I love it when people tak about disturbing failures of our profession.
what can you use a wiki for?
Wikis were one of the more foreign things I discussed at my talk. It’s easy to point to Wikipedia and say “Look, a collaboratively built encyclopedia!” but it’s more difficult to explain how a librarian could use it in their own libraries. Today Teleread has a post about using a wiki for a book discussion group where groups can collectively annotate a book club web site. I think this is what the National Science Digital Library was hoping for with its Annotation and Review Services wiki but it seems to have suffered from neglect. Here’s a neat little wiki about blogs.