Q. Is it true that parts of the movie Debbie Does Dallas were filmed in the Pratt library?
A. Yes! [thanks orion]
Month: September 2004
Library Quarterly, online!
While I wasn’t looking, Library Quarterly went digital and has content online! This was brought to my attention when LISNews posted a story about the portrayal of librarians in obituaries but there’s a lot more there worth reading too like this article about public librarians’ attitudes about marketing. They’ll even send you the tables of contents over email, can RSS be far behind?
“Books Cause Dangerous Thought. Leave Books Here – Don’t Make Us Come Get Them” [thanks chuck]
me @ the DNC, for the second to last time
I have an article in LLRX this month about my experiences at the DNC.
worldcat bookmarklet – get it
Thanks to Steven Cohen and Michael Fagan and Andrea Mercado [and me, and Michael and Andrew whose emails with similar code I didn’t get til this morning], the WorldCat Lucky Bookmark lives! While I agree with Sarah that we can’t expect our patrons to grok the bookmarklet thing, as much as we might like them to, this one is [nominally] for staff. Go nuts team!
Lucky ‘Cat [in same window]
Lucky ‘Cat [in new window]