But back to my number two boyfriend: Google. As you know, all librarians are in love with Google and we are all anxiously awaiting the days when it will put us out of a job…. OK I am kidding. However, we all love to talk about Google. Here are two non-librarian perspectives on Google. One which tells us how people search Google and other search engines. Is it any surprise that Google says that “Searchers become expert searchers very quickly” using Google? No, it isn’t. The second article is by a sysadmin pal of mine who went to a talk about Google’s place in research and librarianship. He was a bit suprised at all the gushing admiration he saw. He wrote this post: Google is Good? Talking about how while Google may not be evil, it both is and is not, good.
Month: September 2004
reading IS sexy
One of the better things about having your naked librarian page widely publicized is that people send you more links for it. Here is a wonderful “reading is sexy” page from Scott Kepford’s fashion photography club page. [thanks david]
copyright renewal tool – cites and insights
Go get the latest Cites and Insights. In it you will find many wonderful things including good reporting on the INDUCE Act, some thoughts on “dead media” and this nifty tool to at least help you ascertain whether US copyright has been renewed for a book or not.
don’t mess with me, or any other librarian
Wired News has a “Don’t mess with librarians” article that I contributed heavily to that you might find interesting.
some bad pending legislation
While we’re on the subject, let’s talk about some bad pending legislation that could affect libraries, privacy or access to information
- The INDUCE Act – criminalizing copyright violating software/hardware [bill/commentary]
- new FOIA exemptions [commentary]
- Family Movie Act – allowing software censoring of DVDs without copyright violations [news article]
- CAPPSII – profiling passengers [eff info]
- US v. Councilman – email privacy rehearing sought [news article]
- various SPY acts [commentary]
There is some good news, however, section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act will “sunset” a scant fifteen months from now along with many other parts of the USAPA.