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Month: July 2004
FIS president calls it quits
Speaking of chilling effects, the student body president of the Faculty of Information Studies at U of T is ending the livejournal that he [she?] was keeping to share information with the student body. Read it quick while it’s still online.
more chilling tales
Law student asks questions about the USA PATRIOT Act, gets the brush-off locally, then gets called by Homeland Security… really? Anecdotal tales from the livejournal libraries community.
requests for patron info under FOIA?
Law student requests patron information at over 85 Michigan libraries under FOIA. Libraries say no, and are supported by Michigan’s privacy laws. Law student/clerk may sue. Interestingly, the head of the firm the law student is clerking at is the Chairman of the Michigan Federation of Young Republicans. And I’m not sure if the law student, Caleb Marker, is the same Michigan Caleb Marker as this one, or maybe this one, but I bet he’s this one.
hi – 06jul
Hi. The big weekend BBQ went well with not one but two librarian guests in addition to all the other folks that showed up. I hear that 2300 people showed up to see Farenheit 9/11 at ALA last weekend, raising some serious cash for ALA-APA. In my life, I am thinking about applying for another part time job, managing a small town library for ten hours a week. Any idea what that might pay? I can’t wait to find out.