Kung-Fu Librarian has one of the most attractive library blogs I’ve seen. I’ve been enjoying looking at library blogs/websites off the beaten path. I’ll find one I haven’t seen, in this case Librarianguish, see who links to them, find another blog [tinylittlelibrarian], repeat.
Month: June 2004
Gary Price isn’t afraid to still call himself a librarian
Gary Price honored by SLA for “his unflagging and selfless 24/7 work in keeping the news librarians themselves up to date” [stuff]
ATAC: can you rig a voting machine and still have it pass certification?
A new addition to my tech-blogs list: ATAC: Abusable Technologies Awareness Center. [laz]
The Information Commons: A public Policy Report
Past ALA President Nancy Kranich has authored a document for the Free Expression Policy Project about the information commons movement. Well worth reading, though I’m sure the word “sex” in the URL will get it banned at any library using filtering software.
” the public’s right to know is to be protected in today’s world, citizens must have optimal opportunities to acquire and exchange information. The stakes are high, for as the Supreme Court noted years ago, American democracy requires ‘the widest possible dissemination of information from diverse and antagonistic sources.'” [sethf]
Another policy paper, this one a draft on RFID in libraries.