vatican library cataloging hurdles

Vatican library says that if they keep cataloging at this rate, they’ll be done in 350 years or so, maybe “only” 40 to get just an outline of the collection. Read about some of the hassles involved in cataloging for the Vatican Library.

Proverbio pulls out a small, notebook-sized Turkish manuscript containing economic data about the Ottoman Empire in the mid 1600s.It’s missing the first eight pages and the last few pages. There’s no author listed, date or index. Yet it’s full of nuggets of information that might be of interest to scholars – so much so that Proverbio has produced 10 pages of catalogue information and he’s only halfway through. How long has it taken? “Two months, I’m ashamed to say,” he says. [thanks jude]

hi – 10jun

Hi. I decided not to go to ALA in Orlando today. I’m conflicted about this, but after looking at my workload at work and at home, talking to some more friends, and planning out all the travel, it just seemed like a lot of travel, air-time and couch-surfing in FLA for two Council meetings and one short post-conference talk. I changed my flights and now I’m only going to a wedding that weekend in Chicago. Contributing factors to this decision were:

  1. lack of funding from work – with the exception of four hours professional leave and a gracious shifting of hours enabling me to attend at all this was going to be all on my own dime and it wasn’t going to be cheap.
  2. lack of low-cost accomodations in Orlando – I had two roomshares and was seeking one more but unlike Toronto there are fewer hostels and other cheapie places a public transpo ride away. Schlepping your laptop-laden backpack around through 90 percent humidity is hell on earth.
  3. airline vagaries – because of flight schedules I was going to get to Orlando Monday night and have to leave Thursday afternoon which means I missed most of the stuff I wanted to attend in order to attend 2 out of 3 of the things I should attend.
  4. responsibility issues – it was becoming clear to me that going through insane hassles to get to Council meetings was not what “You should go to all Council meetings” strictly means. People expect other people to be reasonable, I’m just unreasonable with myself sometimes.

So, since I’m an At-Large Councilor to at least some of you, I wanted to explain and somewhat apologize. All friends have been put on notice that there are to be no more weddings during my very important meetings. I will not only be in Boston during Midwinter, I live a few hours north of there, so please send all travel inquiries my way, or plan a side trip to my house in Vermont afterwards.

Posted in hi