hi – 19jun

Hi. This just in, for those of you going to ALA. Fahrenheit 9/11 will be shown at ALA in the Auditorium at the Convention Center, Sunday night, June 27, at 10 pm, two days after it opens nationwide. There will be a $10 donation that will go to ALA’s efforts in the areas of the First Amendment, Intellectual Freedom, and the struggle against the USA PATRIOT Act.

Posted in hi

luddite with an rss feed

I’m looking forward to some critiquing from the Luddite Librarian blog. The LL believes, as I often do “…that criticism is a worthwhile approach to improving our image.”, dislikes PowerPoint, and is critical of the gadget-craziness that permeates at least some of the librarian-blogger community.

Providence Library becoming “popular” with mass staff layoffs

Providence Public Library lays off workers, gives admins big raises.

uring the week of May 24th, the administration of the Providence Public Library announced to the staff that because of financial trouble they would be forced to lay off over 60 people. This would include the entire unionized custodial staff whose jobs would be outsourced to non-union labor. Forty more would be cut from Central and 10-15 from the branches.