Month: June 2004
you know
You know you are dating a librarian when…
ALA post conference
And speaking of Orlando, I’ll be staying late this year so I can speak at the Counterpoise post-conference [well worth the price of admission] and am looking to share accomodations on Wednesday night June 30th. I’m cheap but tidy. Anyone staying late or living nearby please le tme know.
ala needs councilors
Please consider running for ALA Council and keeping me company during long council meetings. As a bonus perk, if you were already a Councilor, you’d have free wireless at Orlando this year.
hi – 04jun
Hi. Changed a few little things here. If it breaks your browser or RSS reader for some reason, please let me know. I’ve been invited to speak at a Health Sciences Library Association meeting in December on a topic along the lines of the talk I gave a few weeks back. Would still love to hear any stories of librarians that have had to deal with HIPAA for any reason.