Index Medicus was probably the first really high-end reference source I can remember using in college — for a paper on methemoglobinemia. I remember being so astonished that you could attain that level of access to medical information, and that it was available even to scrubs like me. This was back when online searching was pay-by-the-query Dialog searching and available only to highly skilled library staff. Now it’s 16 years later and the print version of Index Medicus is ceasing publication due to lack of subscribers, only 155 subscribers last year.
Month: May 2004
I like lists – here’s one
Michael’s blog makes an ongoing good point about technology which is that it needn’t always be expensive, or horribly complicated. His new list 10 Things A Library Can Do to Boost their Techie Stuff (without breaking the bank) has great tips.
GLBT Book Month, coming up
big and beautiful, take a gander at Seattle’s new library
Seattle Public Library is opening May 23rd and sneak peek pictures are showing up everywhere: Arcspace, technobiblio, reluct & Pac NW Magazine [thanks all]
and now, on the other coast
I’ll have to pay more attention to the news stories, does the new Seattle Public Library have free wireless? Boston Public does, in all their branches. Here are some pictures of that lovely library. [thanks rebecca]