Also in the universe, a newish petition to urge the US Government to end the occupation of Iraq.
Month: May 2004
can you say “proactive”? The state of Maine can.
The State of Maine will provide compensatory funds to public libraries that lose e-rate funding due to not complying with CIPA. [thanks andrea]
save LISNews, pass it on!
Blake over at LISNews is asking for donations to defray his costs. You know how useful LISNews is. How about helping him out? In response to Steven’s challenge, I have created a “save LISNews” button. Feel free to copy it and use it freely on your sites.
hi – 12may
Hi. I’m completely exhausted. We helped the Gilbert Hart Library in Wallingford reshelve their entire non-fiction section into their new addition. Five of us shelved a few thousand books — only approximately in order, shelf reading comes next — in four hours. Then our library director took us out for ice cream at the local filling station.
what’s a union? from ALA-APA
This month’s issue of the ALA-APA’s Library Worklife includes this little primer on unions, plus, a little something about blogs.