phone vs Google apples vs oranges

If this is the only website you read, maybe you haven’t seen this yet. Phone vs. Google vs. Library, who is fastest? Of course, any librarian knows that the best thing to do is to call your librarian [who is at the library already] and then have her [or him] find the answer which might involve using Google but might not. What I want to see is a bunch of librarian superstars In the library, with IM and cel phones and Google and three cups of coffee and see which one of them is fastest given the same short list of tough questions. Now that’s a spectator sport. [thanks all]

help out Eli with some facts about your library + copyright

I have been adding more and more rights&copyright type blogs to my RSS list lately including copyfight, Freedom to Tinker and EFF’s blog. Eli has been doing some work with digital archives and copyright as well and is looking for some help getting data for the Kahle v Ashcroft lawsuit. If you’re library is hestitating to digitze items published between 1964-1977 because of fear of copyright, she’d like to hear from you.

hi – 05may

Hi. Yesterday was Greg’s birthday. It was also the day the Movable Type version of this blog hit 500 posts. I am sure when I am someday holed up with a broken leg, I will go backwards and post-process all the pre-2003 content so it’s searchable and keyworded and whatnot. For now, I’m just elated that it all works.

Posted in hi