more positive roles for lady librarians

Macho Librarians With Guns a special subset of the toungue in cheek role playing game Macho Women With Guns.

“These ladies might have gone on to be typical Macho Women were it not for one distinguishing attribute: Intelligence. Operating under the joint authority of the National Library Association and U.S. Special Operations Command, these gun-toting librarians lead a never ending fight to promote literacy, recover overdue materials, and oppose censorship.” [thanks daniel]

hi – 21apr

Hi. I’d love to chat but I have to be at the library early. I’m working with the kids from the alternative high school to teach them to use the online catalog. They’ll be getting credit for filling out a worksheet about online searching. Then I go sign people up for library cards at the mall. One of the high points about the outreach session from yesterday was getting to meet some of Vermont’s bookmobile drivers [and some of their bookmobiles]. Neat programs, run on shoestrings [one that quoted prices run their entire 13-town route on $40K a year including salaries] doing all sorts of wonderful things. I’ll do a more thorough write-up once this damned holiday week is over.

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