If you’re interested in Open Access, or perhaps you’d never heard of it before reading Jason Griffey’s paper, the Open Access blog is a great place to start learning. It’s a group blog and has one of the best content-rich “about this blog” pages as well as a helpful acronym-definining “about the Open Access movement” pages [from the smartie librarians at Earlham, natch].
Month: April 2004
another acronym you need to know: RFID
Another terribly useful library blog: RFID in libraries.
why open access is good for libraries
The Open Access glossary page leads to all sorts of wonderful other pages including this one: “The (Refereed) Literature-Liberation Movement” with a longer article linked at the bottom “For Whom the Gate Tolls? How and Why to Free the Refereed Research Literature
Online Through Author/Institution Self-Archiving, Now” The implications for libraries and librarians are obvious. Can anyone say “serials crisis”?
Online Through Author/Institution Self-Archiving, Now” The implications for libraries and librarians are obvious. Can anyone say “serials crisis”?
these are some nice pix
It has been a while since I checked in on the Bellydancing Librarian. Now there is a whole gallery of other bellydancing librarians too!
in which gay librarian goes to Nashville
The Anti-Adventures of a Gay Male Librarian, where else but at Gaylibrarian.net