New mom Priscilla Shontz has written a great new article for LISCareer: A Librarian without a Library: Staying Professionally Active While Unemployed. Most of her advice is also great for library sfhool students looking at ways to engage with their future profession while still in school.
Month: March 2004
geeks + librarians = ?
I have always wondered if you can make geeks and librarians happy at the same time. At my library the answer is “not yet” but that may change, hopefully before my contract expires. Kendall Clark has a new article about classifiying one’s personal collections in his series “Hacking the Library”.
“If you’re like me, you will never live the pure, weightless all-digital media lifestyle. Our media collections weren’t born digital.”[lisnews]
hi – 23mar
Hi — I went crazy with RSSing this weekend and set up Feedster feeds for my booklist and for my personal journal/blog thing, in case you’re interested.
i am a librarian!
Cynthia Wilson is a photographer and a library school student and is interested in documenting real librarians for her book I am a Librarian. If you don’t mind getting your picture taken and answering a few questions, please contact her via
libraries you never knew existed
The QE2 has the largest library at sea and the only full-time at sea librarian. There are other job opportunities for at-sea librarians as well.[thanks hanan]