ibiblio has a list where they organize their collection by UDC. They are serious about keeping the “library” in digital library.
Month: January 2004
VT100 in the house
Back before ibiblio was ibiblio, they were a BBS system serving mainly UNC alumni. Here’s a help file telling you how to access onlione library catalogs, using mainly telnet, from 1991.
Hi. I’m working on an article for OCLC Systems & Services and I found a bunch of weird library links while doing research on ibiblio, the wonderful people who host this site for free. These links are the detritus from my work today.
welcome Eli
I added Eli’s page to my links page, even though her entry today has very little to do with libraries.
very practical as well
Thanks to copy-cataloging, small errors now get reproduced worldwide. Here’s a helpful list of Typographical Errors in Library Databases and its new companion More Typographical Errors in Library Databases to help you track down errors in your own catalog. As an informal note, these librarians mention that the most misspelled word on the Internet seems to be information.