On a timely note, three of the Democratic nominees have listed — at one time or another — their favorite books. LISNews has collated those links and combined them with George W’s list as well.
Month: January 2004
when I teach library school, I want to teach classes like this
Librarian Spotting: Christine Wallace does the work and makes a nice looking website about the image thing. [stuff]
feed me – jessamyn learns feeds
I’ve been slacking on this link since I have been slacking on learning the technology but when I read that Walt Crawford was learning RSS, and getting an aggregator I figured I should too. Check out Karen Schneider’s really easy tutorial on what RSS is and how to use it.
I date a lawyer
I don’t often think of law libraries as having really fancy virtual collections, but the Tarlton Law Library [at UT Austin] has a great set of pages about The Law in Popular Culture.
what goes on inside the library is constantly changing
If you have realaudio and you haven’t already heard it, Chicago Public Radio did a neat little bit on the library in American life featuring Louise Robbins and Matthew Battles. [thanks raizel]