Hi. A lot going on today. I feel like I’ve uncovered two separate areas of continuing interest with yesterday’s posts. I’m also reading Sixpence House which is another one of those books for bookish people. Powell’s Books sent Greg and I a check for “affiliate” money or whatever and it’s just enough to take us out to dinner someplace nice [where nice=napkins]. I’ll report back since librarian.net readers directly funded this meal.
Month: January 2004
“what ever happened to reading?”
The Journey to Literacy [and back again?] tries to answer the question “What Ever Happened to Reading?”
For hundreds of years, people have bemoaned the end of serious (or what is sometimes known as “high”) culture — yet culture survives. Yet at this moment in history, as the mass media and the Internet converge, one thing is clear: the ways we transmit culture are changing. Exactly where does reading fit into this new paradigm? For all Americans, the journey to literacy has taken a new turn.
humor — warrior librarian’s life as an index
The Warrior Librarian has made an index of her biography, with amusing results.
Ken Wilson will send you text-to-speech versions of Gutenberg titles
Ken Wilson is mostly blind but reads via text-to-speech software. He saves copies of the copyright-free books he reads in MP3 format. He offers to make text-to-speech recordings of Gutenberg titles on CD available to anyone who is blind or partially sighted as an MP3 or a wav file, for low or no cost [with donations gratefully accepted].
the imact of knowing Braille on reading habits & employment
The difference between patrons who have been blind since birth and ones who have lost their site in their later years in terms of reading habits is striking. It can be tough for older readers to adapt to books on tape or CD and especailly to get used to the erratic delivery and paucity of choices of audio book delivery. This article on Braille literacy discusses how knowledge in and fluency of Braille can affect reading habits, employability and self-sufficiency.