
Hi. I’m on my way to San Diego in a few hours. It is currently below zero outside with promises to be way below zero when I have to leave and catch my flight. I’ll be staying with friends in San Diego but please swing by a Council Meeting if you’d like to get together during the conference.

Posted in hi


Hi. I changed some of the stylesheets around a bit to make visited links a little easier to read. No progress on archives yet, but I’m working on it.

Posted in hi

new kid on the block

I am enjoying this website already. In the accidental systems librarian vein, meet The Librarian in Black. Self-proclaimed techie gamer librarian chick.

This site was born out of my displeasure at having to wade through dozens of websites, blogs, & RSS feeds related to librarianship, technology, webmastery, and current issues to find those few posts that applied to me as a Tech Librarian. [thanks jessica]

patrons, can’t live with them, can’t ban them permanently from the library

Even though I generally dislike the smarmy tone of much of what appears in Mcsweeney’s, I have been enjoying the occasional Dispatches from a Public Librarian. The content isn’t really much different from what you find on RefGrunt, just the tone is somehow much different.

Later that day I received a call from another librarian at the city’s main library asking if I had had any problems that day with a patron. I said yes, and asked the librarian why. He said the man had come into the main library and filed a complaint against me. I asked if he mentioned coming back after I got off work to beat me up. He had forgotten to mention that. [thanks rob]