in your present lifetime, if you want the da vinci code, move out of denver

Denver Public — probably my favorite Big Beautiful Library besides Vancover — is asking the mayor to form a special tax district to keep the library regularly funded.

“If you want to read ‘The Da Vinci Code’ in your lifetime, the Denver Public Library is probably not a good bet for you,” [city librarian] Ashton said. That’s because there are still more than 800 names on the waiting list for the recent best-selling novel


Mostly not in English [like most of the rest of the world] the CEBI website is for encouraging and disseminating social responsibility among Spanish speaking librarians and library professionals.

girl on the bookmobile

Romances for the ambitious. Jen Wolfe has compiled an annotated list of library career romances that boggles the mind.

Featured here are 13 examples of the latter, often written by librarian authors, and starring heroines (sorry man librarians—you’re left out in the cold as usual) who find love amidst the glamour of card catalogs, microfilm readers, and bookmobiles.