you don’t have to test to see if the filters work because they DON’T work!

What is it with the lawsuits against porn surfing librarians lately? Apparently if you are caught surfing for porn in Utah you’ll be fired and threatened with jail time. But, if you get fired for looking at porn in a Kansas library, you just might have a wrongful termination suit. Incidentally, most of us librarians know that “checking to see if the filter is working” is not a real good excuse when caught viewing porn. [thanks dsdlc]


Hi. The talk went really well except for some technical problems which were outside of my control. The NHLA librarians were a great audience, more smilers and nodders than sleepers [one of these days I will not pull the after-lunch slot] and I felt like the information I had was not too tired and not too novel. The morning talk on increasing compensation was also really interesting and well thought out. Totally worth the 80 minute drive.

Posted in hi