Hi, The job is great, thanks for asking. You can check out my library at the library website which at some point in the future, I will be redesigning. Still working on the move to ibiblio. You know, this whole website takes up less than 2 MB… for four years’ worth of content.
You’ll have to scroll down for
this gem from Neil Gaiman’s blog.
if the whole point of the offended librarians is that librarians can, and, wisely, do, look like anyone, then any action figure would do. (“Isn’t that a Gandalf toy?” “Nope it’s a librarian. One with a hat and a beard.” “And he’s next to a… Bettie Page toy?” “Nope. Just a cute, half-naked librarian with a big smile and a Bettie Page haircut.”) [ thanks michael ]
Hey, a writer is writing about reading. She’d like some input into people’s feelings about reading for a book she’s writing. Five questions, give her a hand?
PATRIOT Watch: doesn’t this article make it seem, from the headline, that librarians are doing somethign bad? I mean, they’re against making something easier…. really they’re just making sure it’s not so easy to get at your library records. [ thanks john ]
PATRIOT Watch: Slate chimes in detailing the “Attack of the Angry Librarians” among other things. [ thanks john ]
Librarian dating.