past entry 02sep

Hi. Please join me in the awkward phase between pure-CSS implementation of this website, and the move to a new webhost where it will be maintained much more elegantly with Movable Type, not the hinky cut ‘n’ paste that I do now. If you can’t read the new site, or if it looks unbearably awful, please let me know. My new job starts on Monday. I’m not sure why I thought this would be a grand time to mess with the website.

Not like I’m under thirty, but if you are, or you’re just young at heart, check out the NexGen Librarian listserv over at Topica. If you’re into social networking, there are librarian groups at Friendster and worth checking out. I’m at both, under my real name. If you’re there, introduce yourself. [ thanks chris ]

The NPR librarians have a few words to say

Pre-WordPress Archives

It came to my attention recently (2015) that there weren’t easy links to get to my older posts pre-September 2003. Hope this is helpful to someone.

[blog starts here!]
apr 99 : may 99 : jun 99
jul 99 : jun 99 : aug 99 : sep 99 : oct/nov 99 : dec 99

jan 00 : feb 00 : mar 00 : apr 00 : may 00 : jun 00
jul 00 : aug 00 : sep 00 : oct 00 : nov 00 : dec 00

jan 01 : feb 01 : mar 01 : apr 01 : may 01 : jun 01
jul 01 : aug 01 : sep 01 : oct 01 : nov 01 : dec 01

jan 02 : feb 02 : mar 02 : apr 02 : may 02 : jun 02
jul 02 : aug 02 : sep 02 : oct 02 : nov 02 : dec 02

jan 03 : feb 03 : mar 03 : apr 03 : may 03 : jun 03
jul 03 : aug 03:sep 03
[then on to WP archives]