The library at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary is now one of 13 libraries in the world to own a reproduction of Codex Vaticanus, considered one of the oldest surviving Greek manuscripts of the Bible. Apparently there are 450 copies of this book [original is at the Vatican] and only thirteen are in libraries. I guess you can get one too, for around 6K. [thanks brandon]
Author: jessamyn
yay, I’m famous!!
from a mgt perspective
There’s also the management perspective to consider when you are providing library services to the disabled. As this writer points out, there are few disabled librarians and very little library education about these special populations.
The needs of the disabled are still not clearly understood by many library managers. Providing library services to the disabled need not be expensive if networking is effectively used. As negative library staff attitudes are the largest barrier to the disabled accessing the library, effective on-going education needs to be instituted. Improving library service to the disabled has proven to improve over-all library service delivery.
two days in the life
I have refrained from mentioning anything about the Internet being up and down at our library these past two days, or how little fun it was. However, I refer you to the comedy gold of Kudzu and Cissus and their entertaining weblog He Said She Said. [lisnews]
Hi. EFF got the money from the sale of the bumpersticker and Dan Greene will be getting the sticker in the mail. Thanks to Jason Pettis who made the sticker in the first place.