assface say what?

Interestingly, Ashcroft did not used to be quite so uppity about the government’s right to be able to spy on everyone. When Clinton was the one alleged to be doing the spying he was quite indignant.

In order to guarantee that the United States meets the challenge of this new means of commerce, communication, and education, government must be careful not to interfere. We should not harness the Internet with a confusing array of intrusive regulations and controls. [thanks daniel]


Hi. I’ll be out of town for a week with very minimal Internet starting this Sunday, so updates will be few and far between after the weekend. Feel free to use this opportunity to check out the links page that I have been updating and sending me suggestions for other things to add. I’m especially looking for library school blogs or newssletters that are online. Also, I am getting more postcards printed. If you are waiting for one, it won’t be too long now.

Posted in hi

vagina collage — and SAFE FOR WORK, i swear it

You can probably tell whose blogs I am reading by the order my links are in, so I’m mixing it up just to cover my tracks. You know, there’s a really fine line between just dishing on patrons and making dishing on patrons a sublime comedy experience. The well-dressed librarian has it going on, in this respect. Please see Vagina Collage and Serving the Masses.

The public library is fabulous. Don’t get me wrong…. Even if a homeless guy is repairing small electronic devices with a sottering gun plugged into a study cubicle, it would still be great. Even if a crazy volunteer we had to fire comes into the library everyday 4 minutes before close to check her email, it would still be great.