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Author: jessamyn
union blues in King County
Did I ever mention that I am now a member of AFSCME? They take $6 a week and in return I get to agitate for things like Professional Days when I go to ALA. It’s an okay trade off. I am well-compensated. Things in King County aren’t going as well, the administration is stalling the procdess of getting newly-unionized workers their first contract. [thanks bill]
Speaking of job security, the librarian who had a website advertising her S/M services has not had her contract renewed. [thanks jemmy]
new blog!
Beyond the Job: a new worthwhile blog for information professionals. Good stuff here already, go see. From your favorite career advisors Sarah Johnson and Rachel Singer Gordon.
community analyses using census data
Short article about using the census data to help plan services for your library. I was really sort of astounded when I did our community analysis that there were almost no people in our service area who don’t speak English. I sort of assumed that as a default, you should pay attetnion to diferent cultural and language groups when plannign services. The sad fact about Vermont, or at least where I live, is that it can be pretty ethnically homogenous, even if there are still wide cultural and class differences. [thanks mac]