Author: jessamyn
Hi. It seems like in response to my plaintive yowling the ALA voice mail system is now a) in order and b) includes all the numbers. If I achieve only one thing in my three year tenure as an ALA Councilor, it would be okay if this were it.
not naked and yet oddly appealing
some news isn’t all bad, VPL gets more money and more hours
a lot of back and forth over S/M librarian losing her job
“We’re trying to protect them from simple spankings and stuff like this, and yet these things are okay for adults? I can’t stand the thought of it. I don’t care if it’s behind closed doors. If they think it’s okay for them that’s fine, but I just can’t stand the thought that you can say…it’s a double standard. It’s just wrong.”
“It’s very easy to discriminate against something and somebody else when you can look at them, when you can see what they’re doing. That’s one reason I’m so tolerant. I don’t give a ____ if she has these problems. I don’t care if she’s put it out in the public. If you’re worried about your kids reading this, then you can look after them. That’s what parents are really supposed to do. That is our job.”
“It’s not that I think it makes the woman a bad person. What anyone does privately is strictly their own – the fact that she made this a non-private issue by having a website. I don’t think anyone here thinks this makes her a bad person, it’s just how it affects the library.”
[thanks jason]