Nanette hates library weblogs [except this one, and a few others] for some good reasons.
Author: jessamyn
bookslut interview
Still reading the Bookslut Interview with me done by Michael Farrely. Just noticed that bookslut and book lust [Nancy Pearl’s book] are anagrams. Maybe I’ll call my memoirs BooKults.
Carla Hayden kicks Ashcroft’s ass, gets accolades
And congrats to ALA President Carla Hayden on being named one of Ms Magazines ten Women of the Year
mtv wants you?
I know this casting call doesn’t say “librarians” anyplace but the person who sent me the link assures me they are looking for librarians. This despite protestations by me and ALA staffers that since librarians have master’s degrees, they are tough [though not impossible] to find in the 19-25 age range.
Hi. I have updated my ALA schedule to include my book signing on Sunday at 12:30 or 1. McFarland assures me they will have more than six books. Also changed the NY Times login link to the left. I will no longer be supporting logins to the NYTimes though I will try to offer working links instead.