Pennsylvania was the state that had the first lending library in the US and now its public library system ranks 40th in the nation… and this is an improvement over a few years ago, apparently. [thanks stessa]
Author: jessamyn
the image thing
Laura Bush the First Lady & former librarian trails way behind Hillary Clinton, former First Lady and current US Senator, in the recent most admired women poll.
water water everywhere
If it’s a slow work week, go check out the long article over at Library Juice entitled “A Librarian’s Work.” A great view of the profession from way back in the 1870’s.
now that the dumb holiday is over
Bizarre gift item: Library of Congress baseball from the LoC’s Yahoo storefront. “Had Mr. Jefferson not been born long before the game of baseball was invented, this is the ball he would have had in his collection!”
Hi. I hope you had a wonderful holiday in whatever way you chose to celebrate it. Remember the days are just going to get longer and longer even as — in Vermont anyhow — the nights continue to get colder.