patrons, can’t live with them, can’t ban them permanently from the library

Even though I generally dislike the smarmy tone of much of what appears in Mcsweeney’s, I have been enjoying the occasional Dispatches from a Public Librarian. The content isn’t really much different from what you find on RefGrunt, just the tone is somehow much different.

Later that day I received a call from another librarian at the city’s main library asking if I had had any problems that day with a patron. I said yes, and asked the librarian why. He said the man had come into the main library and filed a complaint against me. I asked if he mentioned coming back after I got off work to beat me up. He had forgotten to mention that. [thanks rob]


Hi and Happy New Year! One of my resolutions is to get archiving and category sorting up and running for this month. After I get back from ALA I will likely have my chance. Thanks for bearing with me.

Posted in hi

how do you define short?

The example URL in the ALA press release entitled “ALA web site will feature short [sic] URLs” is, itself, this long: To be fair, a 75 character URL will not generally break in mailreaders. I’m interested to see what the reception will be to this “improvement”.
Posted in ala

while you were sleeping

PATRIOT Watch: You were probably like me thinking “what ever happened to PATRIOT II, it sure dropped off the face of the earth quickly…” Well, turns out that several provisions of USAPA II were rolled into Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal 2004. All Republicans but 15 voted for this. Some enterprising bloggers have decided to try to reward these congressmen for breaking with tradition and doing the right thing. In my world, that’s what my mother called “paying you to stay out of jail” but it is an interesting idea. [explolibrary]