
Hi. I’m at ALA in San Diego. Boy it is weird, but sort of normal-weird, like a conference. Many more people than Toronto. If you’re in San Diego, come to my booksigning at the McFarland booth tomorrow from 12-2. Also be sure to read the letter to the editor of American Libraries [no direct link, sorry, you know the ALA website] discussing my lack of props to the Web Advisory Committee in my last letter to the editor. I’m guilty as charged, though my impression was that my letter was about something entirely different. In any case, mad props to the committee, they are doing the best they can with what they have to work with, which is, to be fair, not terribly much.

Posted in hi


Hi. I’m on my way to San Diego in a few hours. It is currently below zero outside with promises to be way below zero when I have to leave and catch my flight. I’ll be staying with friends in San Diego but please swing by a Council Meeting if you’d like to get together during the conference.

Posted in hi


Hi. I changed some of the stylesheets around a bit to make visited links a little easier to read. No progress on archives yet, but I’m working on it.

Posted in hi

new kid on the block

I am enjoying this website already. In the accidental systems librarian vein, meet The Librarian in Black. Self-proclaimed techie gamer librarian chick.

This site was born out of my displeasure at having to wade through dozens of websites, blogs, & RSS feeds related to librarianship, technology, webmastery, and current issues to find those few posts that applied to me as a Tech Librarian. [thanks jessica]