Did you know that epinions allows you to review locations, as long as they are nominally travel desitinations? See what vistors to the Library of Congress or the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library had to say about them. Maybe even add your own library…?
Author: jessamyn
marylaine, is in my ears and in my eyes
Marylaine has a compendium of quotes on her site where she keeps all the old “cool quotes” that she uses. I discovered this well before I found out I was on it. Library Juice has this feature as well [links on the left side].
matthew battles, hunky
My quote for this week comes from the book Library: An Unquiet History which you should all drop everything right now and read. Matthew Battles has also written adorable libraryish pieces for Hermenaut.
poetry, accidental and otherwise
I found this nifty little poem linked off of my pal Laura’s staff page. I stayed with her when I was in San Diego.
stealth librarian
PATRIOT Watch: Want to give your patrons absolute privacy when they surf? Try ECM Stealth, patrons leave no trace. I got this link in email and I know nothing else about this product, except the larger website it is on seems sort of empty. Anyone else know anything else about it?