I don’t often think of law libraries as having really fancy virtual collections, but the Tarlton Law Library [at UT Austin] has a great set of pages about The Law in Popular Culture.
Author: jessamyn
what goes on inside the library is constantly changing
If you have realaudio and you haven’t already heard it, Chicago Public Radio did a neat little bit on the library in American life featuring Louise Robbins and Matthew Battles. [thanks raizel]
if we could each learn one new thing at our jobs each day we’d be a profession of geniuses
It’s hard not to describe the One New Thing blog without directly quoting the blog’s sidebar itself, but here goes: one Australian librarian vows to learn one new thing each day. This is her blog. [openstacks]
it’s a start
PATRIOT WATCH: Part of the PATRIOT Act, not a large part, not a library part, but a part, has been ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge.
Hi. I just finished a 3,000 word article about the ibiblio digital library project that should be appearing in OCLC Sytems & Services, assuming it passes the peer review process. Many of today’s weird links are from my research.