+free +porn

Sethf is right on the money. Remember how I said that 350 pages of “pornography” that everyone is always telling us about, belong to me, thanks to N2H2 and their stupid overblocking? This is something like that, only it’s the lawyers talking, look out!

Books not Bombs, tomorrow!

The “Books not Bombs” National Day of Action is tomorrow, the 4th. I’d love to say I was planning something, but I just heard about it. While the action is fairly wide in scope, the USA PATRIOT Act is definitely on the agenda.

paper topics for thoughtful MLISers

Library Juice offers a list of paper topics to get library school students and faculty really thinking about library issues. It had been posted before, but now will be updated from time to time.

“What does “agribusiness versus farming” offer as an analogy to commodified versus community-based information and communication?”