another kind of web logs

Today the assistant director and I puzzled over the monthly web stats from our site trying to discern patterns and deduce meaning. I’m good with stats, but bad with ones that have been post-processed with tools I’m not super-knowledgeable about. As with many web tricks, I prefer to check the raw log files to answer questions like “Why are 2% of our hits going to the 404 page?” and “Are we just seeing an increase in hits because we finally made the library web site the home page on all library’s computers?” I encourage you to extract meaning from your web site statistics. Karen Coombs over at Library Web Chic has laid out some intro pointers on what to look for when you look at your logs.

a nice grouchy blog

Sulkbrarian is just trying to keep it real, people. Her [?] posting of a listserv gem “Subject: An Open Letter To Library Directors” is worthy of Revolting Librarians any day.

“And lastly to those info pro recruiters who think that an individual can survive as a $10/hr temp in one of the most expensive cities in the US, as former librarians and MLS holder you are cheapening the profession by sending master’s level professionals to do work for
only 75% the going rate of your average GED holding secretarial temp worker. The message that you are sending to employers is that we have no worth as a profession. ” [thanks jemmy]

more ALA results

Karen has posted the rest of the ALA Councilor election results. The difference between getting elected to Council [the top 34 vote getters] and not was a slim eleven votes. Thanks to all who participated — running, voting, tallying, whatever — I look forward to some new folks on Council floor in Orlando.
Posted in ala